Likacin Gel 5% 30 g.

Short term severe gram-negative infections treatments, always resistant to antibiotics. 5% Likacin Gel can be successfully administered in the following affections: cutaneos surface pyogenic infections depending on gram-negative sensitive strains, including Pseudomonas strains.
Flebostatic ulcers, ischaemic ulcers (due to arteriopathies, hypertension or diabetes), mixed ulcers, bedsores.



Short term severe gram-negative infections treatments, always resistant to antibiotics. 5% Likacin Gel can be successfully administered in the following affections: cutaneos surface pyogenic infections depending on gram-negative sensitive strains, including Pseudomonas strains.
Flebostatic ulcers, ischaemic ulcers (due to arteriopathies, hypertension or diabetes), mixed ulcers, bedsores.